Rider Alerts

Last updated: January 20, 2023

TRE Code of Conduct

TRE Rider Code of Conduct

Before You Board

  • Arrive in time to purchase your ticket and be prepared to board without delay.
  • Remember, proof of payment is required – failure to produce a valid ticket may result in a fine.
  • Allow deboarding passengers to exit the train before attempting to board.
  • No smoking or alcohol consumption permitted on platforms or train.


  • Please wear proper attire. If you are not wearing shoes or a shirt, you will not be provided service.
  • Occupy one seat and reserve designated seats for elderly and mobility-impaired passengers.
  • Be considerate of your fellow passengers – do not engage in disruptive, disturbing behavior including: loud conversation, profanity or rude insults. Do not operate an electronic device used for sound without an earphone(s).
  • Please gather your belongings and move toward the exit when your station is called – handy receptacles are provided for trash.

TRE Código de Conducta del Pasajero

Antes de subirse al tren

  • Llegue a tiempo para comprar su boleto y esté preparado para subirse al tren sin causar retrasos.
  • Recuerde, se le solicitará un comprobante de pago; no presentar un boleto válido puede derivar en una multa.
  • Deje salir a los pasajeros que bajan antes de intentar subirse al tren.
  • No se permite fumar ni consumir alcohol en andenes ni en trenes.

Al utilizar TRE

  • Debe llevar vestimenta adecuada. No se prestará servicio a personas sin calzado ni con el pecho descubierto.
  • Ocupe un asiento y reserve los asientos designados para personas mayores y pasajeros con impedimentos de movilidad.
  • Sea considerado con los demás pasajeros: no se involucre en comportamientos perjudiciales o inquietantes, como conversaciones en un volumen excesivo, obscenidades o insultos groseros. No utilice dispositivos electrónicos con sonido sin auriculares.
  • Recoja sus pertenencias y diríjase hacia la salida cuando anuncien su estación; se proporcionan prácticos recipientes para la basura.

Holiday Service

No service on:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.

TRE Security

TRE staff, with the support of DART, Trinity Metro, and local police departments, has undertaken increased security measures for your safety. TRE customers can help in this effort by promptly reporting to a member of the train crew, any unattended or suspicious bags or packages observed on the train or in the stations. Customers are also asked to take special care to take all belongings with them when exiting the train. TRE thanks you for your help in keeping our system safe.

Inclement Weather Policy

Plan Ahead During Severe Weather Conditions

When a severe storm is forecast or hits, we suggest that TRE customers pay close attention to weather reports and travel advisories. The TRE plans regular train schedules during severe weather conditions. Both winter precipitation and extreme summer heat can cause unexpected service delays. Customers should call Trinity Metro Customer Care or DART Customer Information Center for current service information.

Trinity Metro

If weather conditions warrant, it may be necessary for TRE to utilize the Saturday schedule as the special Inclement Weather Schedule.

Thank you for riding the Trinity Railway Express.